A new process for internal review of NIH Data Management and Sharing Plans (DMS Plans) has been initiated effective 08/03/23. This process reviews whether researchers are following the MGB Limitations and Restrictions to Sharing Data Policy. Questions regarding a project’s DMS Plan are now required at the proposal stage in Insight, located in the Compliance section. When a grant subject to NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy is selected for JIT, Pre-Award Grant Administrators will contact researchers to verify information about their proposal’s DMS Plans. Responses to these questions may trigger an additional review of the DMS Plan by a Joint Committee. This Committee comprises members from offices including IRB, IACUC, Digital, Research Agreements, and other subject matter experts, who will review the plan for compliance with MGB Data Sharing Policy. Joint Committee review will not hold up the submission of JIT. If no changes to the plan are required, no additional actions are needed from the PI. If changes are required, researchers will be advised by the committee and can submit changes to NIH at JIT or via a prior approval request. An overview of the process is depicted below:

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